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Dindin Abidin
Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi
Agility and balance are important in the speed of dribbling in soccer for the student. The main of the research was to identify a level of quantitative changes of the dribbling speed with fifteen years old football players under the influence of the agility and balance. This research method is associative descriptive with regression analysis techniques. The population of this study was all students in the Cigudeg Soccer School amount of 130 people. The sample in this study amounted to 30 people with a purposive sampling technique (Age ± 13-15 years old). Based on the results of research and data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) Agility affects the speed of dribbling in soccer, (2) Balance has a significant effect on the speed of dribbling in soccer, (3) Simultaneously agility and balance significantly influence the speed of dribbling. Thus agility and balance can be a priority in practicing speed of dribbling in soccer.
Agility, Balance, Speed of Dribbling, Soccer
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Universitas Majalengka
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of applying the assignment method to improve dribbling learning outcomes in football games. This research uses an experimental method with a quantitative descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were students of class XI in Tara Tara Depok, Cirebon Regency using a total sampling technique of 22 male students. From the results of statistical calculations using the SPSS version 21 program, the Kolmogrov-Sminov Test One-Sample test obtained significance values of 0.016 greater than 0.05, meaning that the data in this study were normally distributed. And hypothesis testing using the Paired Samples Test with a significance level of 5% obtained results 0,000 less than 0.005. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on the application of the assignment method to the improvement of dribbling learning outcomes in football games.
Assignment Method, Dribbling Learning Football
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
maulida ayla
Lambung Mangkurat University
This research was intended to find out the quality and difference of the memory of women who actively exercise and the memory of women who do not actively exercise. The research method employed was ex post facto method. The population of this resaerch were participants of two aerobic studios in Banjarbaru City surveyed, numbering 55 people, all of whom were invited to participate in the preliminary study in the form of a fitness test aimed to determine those who fit to be the samples of group A, which consisted of women who actively exercised, and those who fit to be the samples of group B, which consisted of women who did not actively exercise. In the preliminary study, there were 44 people who were willing to participate and after the test was conducted, 11 people were considered to meet the standard criteria to be samples of group A; thus, the number of samples in group B was decided to be 11 as well. The sampling technique employed was purposive sampling. The results of the research show that there was a difference in memory quality between women who actively exercised and that of women who did not actively exercise, consistent with the criteria of the test with t0(calculated) value of 2,123 > ttable(20) = 1.72, andp-value of 0.046 < 0.05. The mean of both groups, which was 0.727, is shown in the Mean Difference Column. It can be concluded there is a difference in the memory quality between women who actively exercise and women who do not actively exercise, where the memory of women who actively exercise is better than the memory of women who do not actively exercise
Comparative, Exercise, Memory, Woman.
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
FIO Univesitas Negeri Jakarta
Abstract Keywords Topic
This study aims to obtain information about reducing the level of fatigue in aerobic exercise in the use of vitamin C. This study uses an experimental method with correlational techniques, the sample used is the FIK-UNJ coaching study program students. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis testing techniques are performed using simple correlation statistical analysis techniques followed by t-test at the significance level @ = 0.05 The results of the initial test analysis and the final test of the aerobic group, obtained an average = 8.133, standard deviation = 3.662 and a mean standard error of SEMD = 0.945. These results yield tcount = 8.602. Then with degrees of freedom (df) = 15-1 at a significant level of 5%, a critical value of ttable = 1.761 was obtained. With these results it means tcount
Decreased level of fatigue, aerobics, use of vitamin C
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Ahmad Maulana
Program Magister of Sport Teaching, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University
This study aimed to determine the effect of exercise push up with wrist flicking on the Ability of Basketball Three Point Shooting in BSWJ Club Age 16 – 18 Years. The method used is pre-experimental design. The population in this study is all the player of BSWJ basketball Club Age 16-18 years of 20 people, all players become the sample with total sampling technique. The results showed that the data of pretest shooting three point of BSWJ Club gained an average 3.35 with standard deviation = 1.899. On post test data of shooting three point basketball of BSWJ Club gained average = 6.50 with standard deviation = 2.482. Correlation result is 0.921 with significant 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest. The conclusion is that there is effect of Exercise Push Up with Wrist Flicking on the Ability of Basketball Three Point Shooting in BSWJ Club Age 16 – 18 Years.
Effect, Exercise, Push Up, Three Point Shooting, Basketball.
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Z. Arifin
Physical Education Study Program
Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training
Garut University
The purpose of the study is to find out the Effect of fundamental Stage Training Program towards Basic Swimming Skills. Pre-Experimental Designs with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design used as the research method. The population consists of 20 students of TK IT Al-Wasilah who are 6 years old. Meanwhile, the sample of the study is taken as a whole of the population (saturated sample). Basic swimming skills test is used as the research instrument. Statistical analysis of the paired sample t test is used as the data analysis to answer the research question. The result showed that, The result showed that, there was a significant Effect of Fundamentals Stage Training Program Based on Long Term Athlete Development (Ltad) Model Towards Basic Swimming Skills
FUNdamental Stage, Training Program, Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD), Basic Swimming Skills
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Budi Ariyanto Muslim
Department of Sport Education
State University of Jakarta
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Program of Student League Competition U-12 Menpora Cup 2017. This research uses qualitative techniques with evaluation approach using Context model, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP). Methods of data collection in triangulation using questionnaires, interviews, document studies and observation. The results show that in: (1) Context Evaluation: has a very strong legal basic and government policies, intentions and objectives well, but not yet targeted. (2) Input Evaluation: participants, organizing, financing and committees have not been implemented properly, and need to be improved in accordance with the development of Student League Competition U-12 Menpora Cup every year. (3) Process Evaluation: sports competition rules that must always be updated in accordance with the development of football, the implementation of the competition still needs to be maximized well. (4) Product Evaluation: increased participation and public interest in organizing the Student League Competition U-12 Menpora Cup every year, the role of media in the publication and promotion of sports to the community is increasingly expanded, and the search for seeds of potential sportsmen from the community that needs to be optimized. But for athlete achievement has not contributed much to the achievement of world level.
Program Evaluation, Student League Competition U-12 Menpora Cup
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Muchamad Arif Al Ardha
Physical Education Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
The aim of this study was to estimate the university students- perception about health and wellness, and to investigate its associations with gender, body mass index (BMI), and volume oxygen maximum (VO2Max). There were 364 Indonesian freshmen (134 males and 230 females); anthropometric measurements were taken to determine the BMI. Furthermore, MFT test was implemented to measure students- VO2Max. A questioner was also distributed to gain the Information about health and wellness perspectives. Finally, the conclusion will be drawn based on the data resulting the correlation between the health and wellness perspective toward physical fitness.
Health, Wellness, Gender, BMI, VO2Max
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Norma Anggara Angga
Lambung Mangkurat University
Abstrct The purpose of using inquiry strategies in learning is to develop the ability to think systematically, logically, and critically, or develop intellectual abilities as part of mental processes. Thus, in inquiry students are not only required to master the subject matter, but how they can use their potential. This research uses the action research method using a research design model Kemmis and Mc.Taggart in the form of cycles or rounds of activities that include stages 1) planning, 2) action,3) observation, 4) reflection, at each round. The subjects of this study were students class of A1 class 52 people and class A2 54 people all sample this 106 students. The conclusions obtained from this study are : Before being given an inquiry method the results of absorption of learning from the whole The inquiry learning method, there will be a significant change by conducting an action research conducted for 16 meetings with a duration of 2 cycles. Based on the results of the final test percentage on the value of UTS cycle I average 22.64 %. next UAS value of cycle II the value high 79.25%, there was a significant change. Thus an increase in the learning outcomes of the basics of self-defense to students
implementation, inquiry method, Pencak silat
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Tatang Iskandar
Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi
This study aims to improve the learning outcome of passing basic motion by using the sidefoot inn the football games through blocking game media. In the first cycle of the research, the percentage of students who were able to complete the passing learning outcome reached 70% or 28 students. This percentage is an increase from the percentage of students learning achievement at the initial observation stage which only reached 30% or 12 students. Then in the second cycle of the research, the increase in student passing learning outcome increased significantly up to 80% of the number of grade IVA students in Lawanggintung 2 State Elementary School, Bogor City or 32 students who have been able to achieve the predetermined minimum completeness criteria of 75. Therefore, it can be concluded that through the blocking game media in football game, it has proven to be effective in improving the learning outcomes of passing, football, and blocking.
Passing, Football Game and blocking game media
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Eka Purnama Indah
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari
MOTOR LEARNING OF BASIC MOTION THROUGH PLAYING APPROACH MODEL IN TK TARUNA BANJARMASIN Eka Purnama Indah Pendidikan Jasmani Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia Endang Pratiwi Pendidikan Olahraga Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, Banjarmasin, Indonesia Abstract The general objective of this research is to improve student learning outcomes through playing approach model in terms of the basic motion (walking, running and jumping) for third-grade students of TK Taruna Banjarmasin. Beside, this study was conducted to get further information about the application of the learning model with a playing approach model on physical education. The method of study was action research the subjects of this study were 12 student of grade III of TK Taruna Banjarmasin. This study was conducted with there sessions consisted of two cycles, each cycle consited of by 3 sessions, the first cycle is done by actions deliver results to students, the result is the value of the average student in the learning of basic motion (walking, run and jump) 60.55 or 63%. The second cycle is done the action of the reflection cycle 1 provides the results to the students as they plan and learning model, the result is an average of 78.02 or 78% of students completed because it reached even beyond mastery learning standard that has been set. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that: (1) the playing approach model for the basic motion (walk, run and jump) improves student learning outcomes, (2) the playing approach model motivates students to be active in the learning process.
Motor Learning, Playing Approach Model, Basic Motion
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
ABSTRACT IRATUTISISILIA. 2018. The effect of 60-second squat thrust training on vital capacity of lung at traditional sports fans of chopsticks in SMA Negeri 1 Kapuas Timur. Thesis, Sport Teacher Training Program (S2), Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lambung Mangkurat University. Primary Counselor: Dr. Maruful Kahri, M.Pd., Supervisor: Dr.AR. Shadiqin, M.Kes. Keywords: Effect, Exercise, Squat, Thrust, 60 Seconds, Capacity, Vital, Lung Traditional sports fans of chopsticks in SMA Negeri 1 Kapuas Timur have the ability of vital capacity of lung still low, so that researcher conclude Fans of traditional sport of chopsticks at SMA Negeri 1 Kapuas East not yet have good vital capacity of lung. This study aims to determine the effect of 60 second squats thrust exercise on vital capacity of the lung on traditional sports fans of chopsticks in SMA Negeri 1 Kapuas Timur. The research method used is experiment design method, with data retrieval technique done through preliminary test, giving treatment for 18 times meeting and final test. The population in this study is all male participants SMA Negeri 1 Kapuas Timur class X and XI aged 14-16 years amounted to 50 people, while the sample in this study as many as 10 people with sampling techniques using purposive sampling techniques. The result showed that pretest data of vital capacity of lung obtained by an average of 1.6970, with standard deviation = 0,40890, at posttest data of vital capacity of lung obtained an average of 1.8800, with standard deviation = 0,38332. The result of analysis is tct thitung = 3.495 > ttable (9:0,025) = 2,262 or with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,007; it turns out Sig. (2-tailed) = 0.007 <0.05 thus thitung is significant. In conclusion there is a 60 second squat thrust exercise effect on the vital capacity of the lung on traditional sports fans of chopsticks in SMA Negeri 1 Kapuas Timur.
8 (eight)
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Universitas Palangka Raya
Exercise is a physical activity done by humans in various ways based on their individual desires. Because by exercising, people will get the benefits needed by him. Starting from increased immunity from disease attacks, and exercise can also make a persons body fit. Because with regular exercise and routine will make and keep the body fit. But nowadays sports not only made public as a physical activity to nourish the body, but not least in some regions even the country makes sports as a way to achieve a certain goal. Because sports not only contribute to health, but exercise can contribute also one of the cultural values of a nation. Suppose there is a study that says that the ethnic communities of Ndebele and Shona in Zimbabwe are more fond of football sports. The cause of songs and singing by football supporters in Zimbabwe has been attributed or portraying the identity of the local peoples. The main purpose of this study is to know about the strengthening of the fraternity rope through sports in the city of Palangka Raya. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used in this study were 1) observations, 2) interviews, 3) focus group discussion (FGD), 4) documentation. The stages of the method in this study are (1) Invention (pre-field stage), (2) Discovery (Stage of field work), (3) Interpretation (Data analysis Phase), (4) Explanation (completion phase). The result of the study was 1). Every year a student of Batak tribe holds a football competition. 2). All the organizers and participants who participated in football matches must be students who have descendants of ethnic Batak parents. 3). Football competitions are held to strengthen the ropes of fellow students who have descendants of Batak tribe. 4). Football matches are used as a way to raise funds to hold the next Batak group event.
sport, rope fraternity, ethnic
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Tirto Apriyanto
FIO Uviversitas Negeri Jakarta
This study aims to determine the correlation of opponent error with the team wins of the volleyball national team 2019 Peace Cup participants. This research method will use a survey method with correlational techniques, which is a study to collect data obtained from the results of the Peace Cup friendly competition using VIS (Volleyball Information System) software. The research population is all participants of the 2019 Peace Cup match, and the sample taken is the Indonesian national team of men and women. The research results obtained by the regression equation Y to X is = 16.332 + 1.034 X, then obtained Fcount = 4.318> Ftable = 3.52 thus reject Ho but the calculation results are significant (at α = 0.05). The coefficient of determination of opponent error with team win (rxy²) = 0.185. This also means that 18.5% of team wins (Y) are determined by opponent error (X)
opponent error, team wins
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Asep Angga Permadi
Ph.D. Candidate of Graduate School of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Lecturer of Physical Education Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training at Universitas Garut
Author correspondence: angga15[at]
funded by Lpdp
Sport Coaching is an activity or method that is useful for developing skills and abilities, and increasing the capacity of human resources (HR). One way to achieve excellent physical condition is to do physical exercise that requires skills and awareness in sports. Football requires technical, tactical and physical skills to be very supportive in the performance of soccer players. Physical soccer training must be in accordance with the real position of the players in the match so that its performance is more optimal, so that the coach can optimize the performance of all players, physical and mental elements (psychology) influence each other, so that if both can be optimized it can produce player performance (performance) better, The aim of this research is the development of physical and psychological training in soccer on the performance of soccer athletes. This research is a research and development (R & D) method, with the chosen development design adopting the development proposed by Borg and Gall consisting of 10 stages.
Physical Training, Sports Psychology, Performance, & Football
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Jalan Taruna Praja Raya Loktabat Utara Kota Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan 70714
The problems in this study are 1) Was there a difference in backhand drive training with the drive inside method to the backhand drive ability of players in the Tennis Club Phapros Semarang Group Age 12-15 Years ?, 2) Was there a difference in backhand drive training with the drive crosscourt method to the backhand ability drive on the Tennis Players Club Phapros Semarang Group Age 12-15 Years ?, 3) Which was better between the exercises ?. The variable of this research was the Tennis players backhand drive. The independent variable of this research was the backhand exercise with the drive inside and drive crosscourt methods. The research seal was the Tennis Club player of the Phapros Semarang group which included group age 12-15 years. The author uses the Hewitt Tennis achievement test to determine the results of the ability of the backhand drive. The results of this research are that the exercise using the drive inside method has an effect on increasing the ability of backhand drive with T-score greater than T-table 7,24 > 2,78. Training using the drive crosscourt method has an effect on increasing the ability of backhand drive with T-score greater than T-table 4,80 > 2,78. There was a difference in effect between the drive inside method and the drive crosscourt. The drive inside method was better in increasing the backhand drive capability compared to drive crosscourt training, with the mean drive inside ratio greater than the drive crosscourt was 22.83 > 21.08
Backhand drive tennis
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Taufik Hidayat
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
The basketball player of SMPN 1 Banjarbaru has 3-point shooting capability which is still low, so the researchers are of the opinion that the volleyball player of Banjarbaru City has a 3-point shooting that is not good. This study aims to determine the effect of 3-point 5-post shooting drills training on the success of 3-point shooting in basketball players of SMPN 1 Banjarbaru. The research method used is the method of pre-experiment design, with data collection techniques carried out through initial tests, providing treatment as many as 24 meetings and final tests. The population in this study were students who took basketball extracurricular at SMPN 1 Banjarbaru, totaling 30 people, while the sample in this study were 20 people with a sampling technique using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the initial test data on the success of 3-point shooting obtained an average = 2.70 with a standard deviation = 1.418. In the final test data the success of 3-point shooting obtained an average = 6.00 with a standard deviation = 1.747. The analysis results obtained tcount = 15.983> ttable = 2.201, with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000; it turns out that Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 thus the tcount is significant. The conclusion is that there is an effect of 3-point shooting drills 3-point training on the success of 3-point shooting for basketball players of SMPN 1 Banjarbaru.
Training, 3-point 5-post shooting drill-s, 3-point shooting, basketball
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Azi Faiz Ridlo
Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi
This study aims to determine the effect of angle hop and squat jump exercises on leg power in Futsal Extracurricular participants at Al-Azhar 18 Grand Wisata High School. The method used in conducting this research is an experimental method with a purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study amounted to 12 people from a total population of 21 people. Based on the results of research and data analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) training angle hop has a significant effect on leg power (2) training squat jump has a significant effect on leg power. (3) There is no difference in the effect of exercises angle hop and squat jump on leg power.
angle hop, squat jump, leg power
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
H. Gadiyana H. Gadiyana
This study aims to determine the effect of hand-eye coordination exercises on the accuracy of top service for volleyball players at SMAN 1 Angsana, Tanah Bumbu Regency. The research method used is the pre-experiment design method. The population in this study were all male volleyball players in SMA Negeri 1 Angsana totaling 24 male and 16 female. While the samples in this study were 24 people, which were divided into two groups: the treatment group was 12 people and the control group was 12 people. With sampling techniques using saturated sampling techniques. The results showed that the pretest data on the service accuracy of the volleyball players at SMAN 1 Angsana, Tanah Bumbu Regency, obtained an average of 11.83 with a standard deviation = 5.540. In the posttets data on service accuracy on volleyball players of SMAN 1 Angsana, Tanah Bumbu Regency, the average is 21.17 with a standard deviation = 7.445. While obtained tcount = 6.642> ttable (11; 0.025) = 2.201, with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000; it turns out that Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 thus the tcount is significant. The conclusion is that there is an influence of hand-eye coordination exercises on the accuracy of top service for volleyball players at SMAN 1 Angsana, Tanah Bumbu Regency.
Training, Coordination, Eyes, Hands, Accuracy, Upper Service, Volleyball Introduction
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Ahmad Nohrizal, M.Pd
Lambung Mangkurat University
This study aims to determine the effect of interval running training on increasing VO2 Max on MAN Selat Tengah futsal Kapuas Regency. The research method used is the pre-experiment design method. The population in this study was the futsal player MAN Selat Tengah Kapuas Regency, who participated in futsal extracurricular totaling 30 people, while the sample of the study amounted to 20 people. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The results showed that the pretest variable increased VO2 Max in futsal players MAN Selat Tengah Kapuas Regency obtained an average of 13.1250 ml / kg / min with a standard deviation = 5.86550. Whereas the posttest variable increased VO2 Max on MAN futsal players in Selat Tengah Kapuas District obtained an average of 44.6100 with a standard deviation = 5.49937. T Test results obtained obtained t count = - 8,739> t table (23; 0,025) = 2,093, or with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000; it turns out that Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 thus the tcount is significant. The conclusion is that there is an effect of interval running training on the increase in VO2 Max on MAN Selat Tengah futsal Kapuas Regency.
Training, Running, Interval, VO2 Max.
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Suparlan Suparlan
Tebing Siring SDN 3 students have a low ability to run, so the researchers concluded that Tebing Siring 3 SDN students have yet to have a good running speed. This study aims to determine the effect of interval training on the running speed of 40 meters in Tebing Siring 3 Elementary School students in Tanah Laut Regency. The research method used is the pre-experiment design method, with data collection techniques carried out through the initial test, giving treatment as many as 16 meetings and the final test. The population in this study were all students of SDN Tebing Siring 3, Tanah Laut Regency, class IV and V, amounting to 42 people, while the sample in this study were 20 people with a sampling technique using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the pretest data running speed of 40 meters obtained an average = 7.1195 seconds with a standard deviation = 0.32830. In the posttest data 40 meters running speed obtained an average = 6.8730 with a standard deviation = 0.33106. The analysis results obtained tcount = 9,487> ttable (19: 0,025) = 2,093, with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000; it turns out that Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 thus the tcount is significant. The conclusion is that there is an influence of interval training on the running speed of 40 meters on Tebing Siring 3 Elementary School students in Tanah Laut Regency.
Training, Intervals, Speed, Running
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Fakhruddin Fakhruddin
Lambung Mangkurat University
This study aims to figure out the effect of plyometrics knee tuck jump exercise towards dollyo chagi kick speed of junior Taekwondo athletes at Banjarbaru City. The method of this study is pre-experiment design. The population is all junior taekwondo athletes at Banjarbaru City, they are 12 athletes and become the sample of this study through sampling jenuh technique. The results shows that on pre test dollyo chagi kick speed of junior taekwondo athletes at Banjarbaru City is at the average 19,75 times with standard deviation = 2,094. On post test dollyo chagi kick on junior taekwondo athletes at Banjarbaru City is at the average 22,25 time with standard deviation 1,485. Whereas tcount = 6,966> ttabel(11;0,025) = 2,201or with sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000, it is find out that sig. (2-tailed) = 0.000 <0.05 so tcount is significant. The conclusion is that there is effect of plyometrics knee tuck jump exercise towards dollyo chagi kick speed of junior taekwondo athletes at Banjarbaru City.
Effect, plyometrics, knee tuck jump, speed, dollyo chagi, kick taekwondo.
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Suadmaji Suadmaji
— Banjarbaru City volleyball players have smash and block jumping abilities that are still low, so researchers believe that Banjarbaru City volleyball players have poor leg muscle explosive power. This study aims to determine the effect of double leg speed hop plyometric exercises on leg muscle explosive power in volleyball players in Banjarbaru City. The research method used is the method of pre-experiment design, with data collection techniques carried out through initial tests, giving treatment as many as 18 meetings and final tests. The population in this study were all male volleyball players in Banjarbaru City totaling 12 people, while the sample in this study were 12 people with sampling techniques using saturated sampling techniques. The results showed that the pretest data of leg muscle explosive power obtained an average = 55.75 cm with a standard deviation = 8.614. In the posttest data the leg muscle explosive power obtained an average = 59.67 with a standard deviation = 8.988. The analysis results obtained tcount = 15.07> ttable = 2.201, with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000; it turns out that Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 thus the tcount is significant. The conclusion is that there is an effect of double leg speed hop plyometric training on leg muscle explosive power in Banjarbaru City volleyball players.
Training, Plyometric, Double Leg Speed Hop, Explosion Power, Leg Muscles, Volleyball
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Taufiq Rahman
Abstract— This study aims to determine the effect of shadow eight training on agility in PB badminton players. Mustika Banjarbaru Ages 12-15 Years. The research method used was a pre-experiment design method. The population in this study were all PB badminton players. Mustika Banjarbaru Ages 12-15 years are totaling ten people, while the sample in this study as many as ten people with sampling techniques using total sampling techniques. The results showed that the pretest agility data on PB badminton players. Mustika Banjarbaru Age 12-15 years obtained an average = 7.1850 seconds with a standard deviation = 0.50423. In the posttest agility data on PB badminton players. Mustika Banjarbaru Age 12-15 years obtained an average = 6.7500 seconds with a standard deviation = 0.44850. T-test results obtained obtained t-count = 8,184> t-table (9; 0,025) = 2,262, with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000; it turns out that Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 thus the t-count is significant. The conclusion is that there is an effect of 8 shadow training on agility in PB badminton players. Mustika Banjarbaru Age 12-15.
Keywords: Effect, Exercise, Shadow 8, Agility, Badminton.
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Ramadhan Arifin
Lambung Mangkurat University
the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Zig-zag run training on increasing agility in soccer players JPOK FKIP ULM Banjarbaru, Factors affecting the age, sex and body weight, being overweight can reduce the speed of muscle contraction, which will reduce the speed of movement and directly reduce agility. From the above background the researcher wanted to conduct a study on the effect of zig-zag run training on increasing the agility of the soccer player JPOK FKIP ULM Banjarbaru. The method used in this study is the Pre-Experimental Designs method. According to Sugiyono (2015: 109) Pre-Experimental Designs namely "experimental results which are the dependent variable, this can occur, because there are no control variables and the sample is not chosen randomly". The design of this study was using One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. According to Sugiyono (2015: 110) One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Conclusions from the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there is an effect of zig-zag run training on increasing agility on the soccer players of JPOK FKIP ULM Banjarbaru.
zig-zag run, football, agility,
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Khurotul Aini
State University of Jakarta
Islamic University of 45 Bekasi
Abstract - the development of science and technology plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources, especially in educational matters. The use of media in learning and training activities greatly helps the process of delivering material effectively and efficiently. The use of appropriate media will help motivation, creativity, enthusiasm of students or athletes in participating in learning activities or exercises. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the handbook on volleyball passing training models for volleyball extracurricular participants at the junior high school level is effectively used as a medium to enhance the setting skills of volleyball at junior high school age. The number of research subjects was 60 junior high school students in Makassar, South Sulawesi, using saturated / census sampling. This research uses the research and development (R&D) method of Borg and Gall. Based on the results of the Paired Samples Test it is known that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 <0.05, there is a significant difference in the results of passing the volleyball training in the pretest and posttest data. Thus it can be stated that, the handbook on volleyball setting training models for junior high school volleyball extracurricular participants is effectively used to improve the results of setting volleyball skills.
exercise, setting volleyball, games
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
Supian Indera Jaya
Lambung Mangkurat University
- This study aims to determine the effect of interval running training on the level of physical fitness in students of the Kaludan Kecil State Elementary School. The research method used is the pre-experiment design method. The population in this study were all students of SDN Kaludan Kecil, amounting to 24 people consisting of male and female students, while the samples in this study were 24 people, consisting of 12 sons and 12 daughters with sampling techniques using total sampling techniques .The results showed that the pretest variable level of physical fitness in students of the Kaludan Small Elementary School students obtained an average = 15.17 with a standard deviation = 1.633. Whereas in the posttest variable the level of physical fitness of the students of the Kaludan Kecil State Elementary School students obtained an average of 18.25 with a standard deviation = 2.069. T-test results obtained t count = 18,206> t table (23; 0,025) = 2,207, or with Sig. (2-tailed) = 0,000; it turns out that Sig. (2-tailed) <0.05 thus the tcount is significant. The conclusion is that there is an effect of interval running training on the level of physical fitness of students at the Kaludan Kecil State Elementary School
Influence, Exercise, Running, Interval, Physical fitness.
Community Sport Development (CSD)
Corresponding Author
C Sundara C Sundara
Kementrian pemuda dan olahraga RI (Cucu Sundara)
Departement of Physical Education STKIP Pasundan ( yopi Meirizal, Prima Kusumah A, Sumbara hambali )
The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of under receiving on a game of volleyball with a play approach. Research method using Action Research. The subjects in this study are students of grade V Primary School in Cimahi, Indonesia. This study was conducted with six meetings consisting of two cycles, each cycle 3 times a meeting. The first cycle realized through action according to the plan and the learning method, the result of the average value of students in the under receiving learning is equal to 71.48 or 74.07% of pass students, and 25.93% of students have not passed. In the second cycle realized through the action of the reflection result from cycle 1, the result of the average value of students in under receiving learning increased to 78.52 or 92.59% of passed students and the rest 7.41% of students have not passed. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the play approach can improve the learning outcomes of under receiving student volleyball.
playing method, Learning, Under Passing, Volleyball
Community Sport Development (CSD)
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